January, 30th , February, 28th, 2017Abstract due date by email icadesign2017@gmail.com

February, 20th, March, 7th, 2017– Notification of the abstract acceptance

Thanks to everybody who submitted abstracts. This was important for the Organizing Committee to begin the preparations for the conference. The submission of full papers is welcome even from who did not submit any abstract.

April, 15thMay 2nd, May, 16th, May, 30th, 2017– Full Papers due on https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icad2017

May, 15th, June, 20th,July, 4th, 2017– Information of the reviewing process to authors

June, 15th, July, 14th, July, 20th, 2017– Final papers due

June, 26th, July, 25th, 2017– Paper acceptance notification

July 28th, August, 15th, 2017– Registration/Payment fees due

September 13-15th , 2017– Conference in Iaşi, România